Dancefloor etiquette
Here are some things to keep in mind!
*put in comments the numbers that you like and if you feel like something is missing – feel free to add, and we will update our etiquette notes!
*put in comments the numbers that you like and if you feel like something is missing – feel free to add, and we will update our etiquette notes!
Thank you! FDS
1. When asking someone to dance, be polite, if you don’t know the person you are asking, first introduce yourself and then ask her or him to dance, 99% of the time, they will say yes if you’re nice!

3. When someone makes a mistake, DON’T argue about it or give them attitude, laugh it off and keep dancing, this will relax the person who made the mistake. The more relaxed you are when you dance, the better you will lead and follow.
4. When dancing in a crowded club, keep your steps small and move your body more (on the spot). When restricted with space, keep your elbows to yourself, try to move your hips more, shoulders etc, and you will find that you don’t step on other dancers… and other dancers won’t step on you… hopefully
5. When leading a beginner dancer, KISS (keep it simple stupid) ha ha Don’t try all your complicated moves on the first 4 bars, start slow, single spin, CBL, basic, and as they relax, try to slowly bring the level up to their limit.
6. When following a beginner dancer, be nice, smile and make them feel comfortable and relaxed so they can remember their steps… if they make a mistake, just smile and keep dancing! Remember, we were ALL beginners at one point.
7. When dancing, leave behind anything that could get in the way … your purse, your drink…the bad or stressful mood… etc.
8. Try not to wear a watch or any jewelry that could get caught on hair or clothing.
9. As we are talking about dancing – we have to mention the perfume part – its not only your lead, how you ask to dance, but also we have to make sure we look after ourselves from the sweat part – if you do, take clothes to change, and use the deodorant – this is also a nice care and polite way to dance with a partner!
10. When entering the club, wipe the bottom of your shoes or change your shoes before getting to the dance floor. When it’s raining or snowing out, all that mud and dirt will stay on your shoes and if you walk through the dance floor leaving a mud trail behind you, other people with dance shoes on will not appreciate it.
111. When you’re not dancing, don’t stand in the way of other people trying to dance. Even if you want to watch, stand back and leave the space on the dance floor to people who are dancing.
12. When you arrive to the dance club, never say no to the first person asks you to dance. Once you get out there a couple of times with different partners, other potential partners will know you won’t turn them down.
13. A hardwood dance floor should be treated with care. Drinks, food and cigarettes on the dance floor are a big NO NO.
14. If you are a beginner, remember that everyone out there has probably experienced that same sweaty palm, stiff-as-a-board, jittery feeling. It will pass, relax, smile and enjoy the music!
15. Respect the style of the dance you are dancing – the MUSIC, the beat, the rhythm, the concept, the rules of the style!
16. Walk to the dance floor and back WITH your partner. Leaders, please don’t ask the girl to dance, then turn your back and go. Go together! The same with finishing dancing: please do not just walk away from the floor and leave the girl there: go together
17. If you had a great dance with someone, tell them at the end of song! They will love to hear it.
18. And last but not least, when greeting someone with a kiss, if your face is all sweaty, DO NOT make cheek contact! Shake hands or kiss the air…
Thank you for your time!
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